Trustee continues to urge the community to look at ‘Options’

Dear Editor,

I would like to address a letter to the Village residents and taxpayers regarding all of the recent “trash” talk about the A POSITIVE CHANGE PARTY leading up to the Village elections. Given that our Party has been focused on looking for options to resolve longstanding problems that have had a serious impact on the village, and not vocally out in the public, it is easy for the Rebuild Owego to say whatever they wish with perceived impunity. But the issues our party has been working on are important issues that will benefit our community.

As noted, the Village has serious ongoing issues that need addressing but the Rebuild Owego party is willing to continue past practices of kick the can(s) down the road for future mayors, boards, and taxpayers to handle. That “Kick the Can Down the Road” mentality is what has brought us collectively to this point of a serious Board looking for serious viable options to those issues so the taxpayers can make an informed decision on them. The Rebuild Owego party appears to be happy with leaving the issues alone and staying Status Quo!

Do you honestly think the sewers EDU billing system should stay status quo? How is that working for you? Can you continue to afford it? The Mayor, head of the Rebuild Owego Party, is on record as saying he sees no problems with the EDU system. The Positive Change Party is working on a fix for the EDU issue, but if the Rebuild Owego Party is put back in control of the Board, then the EDU solutions are lost – as the Mayor will again have his way.

Do you want to risk your Village EMS service by making it a contract service? It was tried twice in the past by outside EMS providers and did not work. You have two paid EMT’s that does not cost the Village taxpayer anything at this time as their salaries and benefits are covered under a bequeathed fund known as the Sweet Fund. The original intent was for the Sweet Fund to be used solely for that purpose, to provide high-level EMT services during the workday when our volunteer EMT’s were working their normal jobs to support their families and pay their taxes.

The Village violated that intent and the Sweet Fund is in jeopardy of running out of funds in the next four years. The current Fire Chief and Fire Commissioner worked out a program that was implemented last fiscal year to soften the draw-downs on the Sweet Fund. At recent Board meetings, it has again been raised that we should just use up the Sweet Fund and let the EMS be dealt with then. Do you want to risk your EMT’s?

There are voices shouting they want their OPD just as it has always been; but none of these voices are willing to look at the internal problems that have plagued OPD and seek out options to resolve them. In fact, those problems were there and growing during the time the strident voices of the Rebuild Owego Party were in office, and they “Kicked the Can Down The road.”

It is easy and safe to be a vocal critic when you know that the other side cannot comment back on certain facts because they/we are under what is effectively a confidentiality gag order. I wish I could inform you of the issues with the OPD but restrictions prohibit me from doing so.

Our Village, like all the others in our area, has been declared a financially distressed community. Our Village is no different than every other municipality that is looking to optimize its resources and services for the taxpayers. The Village Board owes it to the taxpayers to look at all options for the best use of your money. With over 50 percent of the properties in the village off the tax rolls and more to come, CAN WE REALLY AFFORD NOT TO LOOK AT OTHER OPTIONS? I THINK NOT!

I wrote a letter a few weeks ago about OPTIONS. Well the Positive Change Party has been and is still researching and working on options not only for OPD but other departments as well. WHY IS IT THE REBUILD OWEGO PARTY has no interest in looking at options available or at least searching for options that benefit the taxpayers.

Taxpayers, survival of the Village of Owego into the future will be up to you not the village board or the mayor – but YOU. You have the voice of what direction you choose. Kick the can down the road or look at viable OPTIONS.

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedules to read this lengthy letter.

Whatever you decide is best for the village, either kick the can down the road or look at viable options, PLEASE USE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE MARCH 18.


Steve May

Owego Village Trustee