Reader’s Column for the week of Jan. 11, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

To the person inquiring about Thelma Roe, she is alive and well and currently living at Absolute Care, 301 Nantucket Dr. in Endicott. She has been there since late July. Her eyesight is failing so she is unable to get around by herself anymore. For more information, stop and talk to Maureen on Lake Street. Thank you for your concern.


Wow, finally a straightforward and honest assessment of the Village of Owego. Thanks Trustee Steve May for the update on what is really going on. Makes you wonder what the rest of the board is doing, including the Mayor! Keep up the good work!


Two black kittens, 7-months old, rabies, shots, neutered and spayed. Call (570) 888-5120.


LOST IN THE OWEGO AREA: If anyone has found a set of keys with a blue oblong key chain with picture on it of possibly a dolphin, and also a left hand camouflage glove, please call 333-1644.


I’ve studied quite a bit for a few years this new regime that’s been in the Town of Owego Highway Department. My theory is if they were working to make a living for themselves they’d be pretty hungry. Out of the whole county, they are the number one worst outfit that there is!


I’d like to know what happens to the sand they put on the road on Turkey Hill and Howe Road in Berkshire. They go through and sprinkle like their putting it on like a peppershaker. Are they trying to save for next year’s sand or what?


To the person who is wondering where Thelma is, she is Absolute Care in Endicott.


If you live in the Village of Owego and need your walks cleared from snow, please call 321-7357.


I was really shocked when I heard about the murder of Nicole Mathewson. I did not know her but I really was. It got me to thinking about the death penalty. When I first read it in the Pennysaver my thought was they should put those two to death, but then on the other hand I was thinking in regards to the death penalty that if they did, it would not bring Nicole back. At least they should give them life in prison for what they did.


News flash. Chuckie Schumer and Tom Harkin who pushed Obamacare down the throats of their stupid followers now say Obamacare should never have been implemented. Guess why? Because in 2015 working class people will see much higher Obamacare costs. That’s the little secret that they are trying to hide. Schumer wants to protect Hillary from any bad press, and if you think that Obamacare is bad, you have not seen what Hillarycare is. You are going to see more obamacrats come out in 2015 and call for changes or a repeal of Obamacare. I say it’s too little too late.


I live on Gridleyville Crossing near Candor. The lady that wanted my grandma and grandpa dolls never came to pick them up. There was some other lady and her husband that wanted them, so they are still available. My number is 659-5527; please call me.


I’m sure we all hope the republicans will now flood emperor nobama’s desk with dozens of bills to get America back on track. The Keystone Pipeline will probably be one of the first and we will see if the emperor will stick to his Marxist policies and veto the pipeline.


I have a suggestion for the person complaining about the OFA football program. The next time there is a coaching job available, apply for the job. Then, should you get the job, you can see what coaching is all about.


So nice to see emperor Obama is back from his two-week vacation in Hawaii. He has crippled the coal industry, now he will try to destroy the gas and oil industry by using a backdoor maneuver of government control of methane, which is a byproduct of oil and gas. He wants to force solar and wind down the throats of American people. The only way he can do this is to drive up the price of oil and gas enormously. So let’s all hope that congress will confront and defeat emperor Obama and his corporate buddies in the solar and wind industries.


I see that the Tioga County Family Resource Center (FRC) is offering parenting classes again. The classes are free and they watch your kids for free as well. I learned a lot about how to parent my kids when I took classes last year. Waverly FRC is having them next Tuesday at 9 a.m. if anyone is interested.


Someone told me that half the lights strung on Court Street Bridge are off for energy conservation. That’s fine, but the lights that should be on over the sidewalk, which is on the other side of the road.


I noticed a comment on the Christmas lights on the bridge in Owego in last week’s paper. I thought it looked beautiful as I drove down and looked at the lights by the Courthouse and across the bridge. It reminded me of some of Hallmark’s movies.  Whoever it was that complained last week must have been blind. It was beautiful.


Most of these people that want fracking in New York State don’t even live in New York State. They live in other states, and they really don’t care what happens to the water or the air or their neighbor’s environment. So just let it go. I’m glad Cuomo’s not letting it in here.


Owego does not need and cannot afford another fire station.


Guess who has just been tied to the British X-rated upper political echelon customers’ scandal? Why it’s none other than Bill Clinton. I wonder how Hillary will try to brush this one aside.


I would like to know why the top of West Beecher Hill road is never taken care of in bad weather! When I drove up Tuesday, Jan. 6, it was clear and great until the last curve after the yellow sign. There was a little space on the left but the rest was icy and slippery. Often in winter the top flat is not taken care of. Also the speed signs need to be lowered. People race on sharp curves and the road is so narrow!


Like the old saying goes, “If you don’t learn from the past you are forced to relive it.” To Mr. May, I’d like to say I think it’s nice that he’s investigating the police and state police problems in Owego, but it’s been investigated at least for the last 15 years since I’ve lived here. Every single board has investigated it. Why don’t they just go talk to those people and see how that turned out.


After reading Steven May’s informational write up in last week’s Owego Pennysaver, it’s comforting to know as a business owner in Owego we have a supporter like him on the village board. For every dollar of water I purchased from United Water in 2014, I paid the Owego Village $2 to sewer treat that. This is four times the cost of other cities. It’s time to change this flat rate screw up immediately.


I have many years worth of back issues of Arabian Horse World magazines I would like to give away. It is a big beautiful informative magazine located in Richford. Call 657-8035 between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Honeypot Road in Candor is head-on heaven, not really head-on but rather each side of two vehicles trying to pass each other. Winter advice – drive very slowly and defensively; spring advice to the town – get a centerline painted ASAP. Please, there is so much traffic on that road – it is a death trap.


I hope that the four musketeers, when they are doing their study for all of us village people, they include a study on abolishing the village that has been suggested by many people.


Once again, emperor nobama fails to call the Paris, France attack for what it is – an attack by radical Islam or Islamic terrorists. Can you guess why?


Like in the Lord’s Prayer, history will record Obama as the president who didn’t do those good things he could have done, and didn’t do those things he should have done. Politically, it is easier to do nothing and make no mistakes. However, maybe Obama has listened to a foreign policy professional, not Clinton or Kerry. While there is some downside to normalizing relations with Cuba, it is a nice stick in the eye for Putin and at the right time. No more Russian bomber visits to Havana. The other big stick we should have had for Russia is the XL Pipeline. Controlling the world petroleum market is worth must more than five Super-carriers. All hail Obama!


The new Republican Congress started on Day 1, 2015 with a rule that prevents a simple amendment, known as “reallocation”, from being enacted in the next two years to ensure that all Social Security benefits continue to be paid in full and on time. The new rule mandates a 20 percent cut in benefits to disabled workers unless legislation is passed that either cuts workers’ Social Security retirement benefits or raises taxes. What do you think of this?


Did you get new clothes for Christmas that don’t fit? Hem not the correct length? Call Jean at 687-2069.


If there is anything worse that the paparazzi hounding the rich and famous, it is a T.V. news interviewer asking a person, “What were your first thoughts when you found out your husband (or any other relative) was in that fatal plane crash?” There should be a law. Back to you, Brian.


For those who believe that fracking is safe; there is a cloud of methane gas the size of the State of Delaware over New Mexico. Apparently the 40,000 wells were not sealed properly. Oops, must have been an oversight. What landowners want to take the responsibility for cleaning this up?


Kudos to the new can redemption center by KFC. I would highly recommend it to all. The people are friendly, honest and are very helpful; plus pay 6 cents per can. A real breathe of fresh air.


Why can’t so many of our New York neighbors get with the program. Fracking has changed dramatically in the past ten years. Once caustic chemical mixtures have now been replaced with simple old salt water or a mixture that is 100 percent made of food additives found in the food we all eat daily. Even the sand once commonly used is being phased out in favor of crushed walnuts. The chemical debate is over and with food-based mixtures being used (98 percent of which is water) the threat to our water and our health is gone. Let’s move on already. New York’s decision and the constant ranting of the anti-frackers is not based on the advancements in modern fracking, but what was being done ten years ago.


Does anyone know how often wildlife traps need to be checked in New York State? Do the regulations differ for different wildlife?


Just lately I saw something on TV, in which Millennials were asked questions about the beginning of our country, their lack of information was appalling! I mean – not to know who George Washington was, or Abraham Lincoln! Who fought in the Civil War, who won? Who did we fight in the Revolutionary War? Who won? Ridiculous! In case you thought schools were doing their job, you’d be wrong! People seeking to become citizens legally are REQUIRED to pass a test knowing this information. How do high school graduates get loose in the world not knowing? And we spend how much per child on education in New York State? What are YOU as a parent or Grandparent doing about this farce?


I opened my 2015 Candor property tax bill today, and see that somehow the uniform percentage has dropped from 100 percent to 97 percent. This makes the full market value estimate 3 percent higher than it was last year. I don’t see the higher figure being used to calculate taxes, a good thing, but I wonder why the change from 100 percent to 97 percent? I thought we paid something like $80,000 a few years back to have the town reassessed to 100 percent?