East Newark Cemetery gets ‘Face Lift’

On Oct. 25, 2014, an intergenerational family ranging from 14 years to over 80 came together to volunteer for a hard day’s work at the East Newark Cemetery on Dodson Hill Road. The Brinser family volunteers are descendants of the well know Newark Valley Stratton and Dodson families.

The goal for the day was to clean up the property line.Trees were cut down, brush and bushes (very thorny ones) were cut out, weeds were wacked wood chips were made.

This was the first step in beginning necessary repairs for gravesites and stones that pre-date the Civil War. Any community member who is interested to learn more about renovation efforts is invited to contact Nellie Snapp, president, by calling (607) 642-8587 or Dee Brinser, superintendent, by calling (607) 429-9071 for more information.

Thank are extedned to everyone that bought a raffle ticket or made a donation to help refurbish the cemetery. The winners are Cheryl Caister (television), Kelly Bogaczyk (lottery tickets), and Charlotte Kent (Tupperware).