Readers’ Column for the week of Nov. 30, 2014

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

To the person that has a lot of fabric to give away please call (607) 239-9980.


I am interested in the fabric and am willing to take it off your hands. Call 657-2635.


My name is Brenda and I am interested in the material you are getting rid of. After many years of not sewing or using my sewing machine, I would like to start up again and some material will come in handy to get me going. You can reach me at (607) 342-7548.


I am interested in the material that last week’s caller to this column would like to give away. I could put it to good use. Call (607) 223-4809


Wow! I was wrong about Professor Gruber, the chief architect and salesman for Obamacare. He did not meet with Obama 16 times, it was at least 24 times even though Obama doesn’t remember and denies that and so does his stooge Pelosi. Also Gruber did not get $2 million from the Obama administration, it was at least $6 million! Oh boy, it really pays well to be Obama’s buddy.


How to lose in politics. Deadbeat Al Charlatan as an advisor to the president is a sure bet for the democrats to keep losing in politics.


I sleep easier knowing that the genius has all the answers.


Does anyone know where I can get a few bales of straw for my chicken coop? You can call 657-2615 or leave a message in this column.


Where are the jobs? According to the Wall Street Journal 50 million Americans are now in poverty. That’s the highest level in more than 50 years that the U.S. census has been tracking poverty. What does the GOP have on the horizon for us? Why the Paul Ryan budget, with more devastating cuts to food programs, Medicare and social security. Keep your eye on the republican congress.


This is a reply to the IBM retiree who feels IBM has earned an A+ for its handling of retiree insurances. I am an IBM surviving spouse. I, too, have no out of pocket medical expenses for which I pay a monthly premium of $180.50. In addition my prescription plan costs $53.30 per month and my dental insurance, which is nothing like the previous plan costs about $30 per month. The total is approximately $3,166 per year for my insurances. Previously, before IBM dumped us, I paid $21 per month or $252 per year for all three insurances. As a surviving spouse I receive $1,300 per year from IBM to partially reimburse for what I have paid in premiums. Do the math, that’s now around $1,866 out of pocket. A+? Not in my humble opinion.


All I can say for President Obama is hip hip hurray! He’s not going to be bullied by those republicans who don’t care about anybody but the rich elite.


In response to the person with the material. My mother is elderly and disabled but she does sew to pass the time, making pillowcases and doll clothes. She would love to have the material. Please call and leave a message and I will give you a donation for it. Call Gail at 689-3033, thank you very much!


President Obama had his speech on changes to the immigration laws on Thursday night. Right after the speech congress had their belongings all packed up heading out of town for their Thanksgiving vacation. Congress will not return until Dec. 1. They should have postponed this Thanksgiving vacation and started working on overturning the changes made by the president on immigration. Congress is a do nothing all about me bunch. Why do we need congress when we have President Obama? He can do it all; he can do everyone’s job. I’m surprised he doesn’t give our country away saying that’s the best thing for us. The democrats in congress would agree with him, they would say that’s a great idea.


Once a hired official changes a law, legal or not, it sticks and it is the law. Like it or not that’s the way it is. Example, Safe Act in New York State, now immigration changes in the United States. Now I understand they are going to make more changes on the 2nd amendment laws because they know they can.


I’m a proud grandmother who would like to commend and give a shout out to the Lady Tigers, Tioga AIC South small school division all stars. These dedicated volleyball players did a wonderful job this fall including the young man, their manager, who helped and encouraged them. He also was their hair stylist at the games. While attending all-star awards and Tioga Center School it made me so happy and proud to see these girls mature into strong, confident, and successful young women. May they have much success and happiness in their future. We are all blessed to have them.


On the subject of children going hungry, it is definitely fault of the democrats. They have been in charge of the federal government, the senate, and the president the last six years. Also we have childhood hunger in New York because of Cuomo, a democrat. Also, by the way, the only losers after the elections are the democrats. As Nancy Pelosi famously once said, we won, you lost. So now this is the time for you democrats to quiet down. Sour grapes, how sad.


I also want to know where a product is made, what country it came from. Another gripe I have is this metric system for volume on items. You don’t have any idea how many ounces or what it weighs. Let those folks learn our system not some foreign system.


I’m calling about the fabric to be given away. We are the Caring Quilters Project. We can use donated fabric to make quilts for needy people in our area. If you can donate any quilt fabrics to us we would appreciate it. You can return my call at 748-3133.


I would like the material for a young person who is learning to sew. Please call 687-3888.


Newly elected Tioga County District Attorney Kirk Martin failed to secure a murder conviction in the Every trial. Let’s all hope and pray Mr. Martin will secure a murder conviction in the third, I repeat third, upcoming Harris trial in January.


Why don’t you sore losers just shut up! The voters spoke and revolted against emperor Obama and his loyal buffoons. Paul Ryan has more financial knowledge in his little finger than you do in your collective heads. Government shutdown, that’s a joke and I hope republicans are smart enough to bury Obama with bills which will benefit all Americans.


Wake up sleepy Owego. As we’re laying on our couch watching TV at night, the village board is having their way with your pocket book. The sewer increases are astronomical. We’re paying more for sewer than people in cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Stroudsburg in Pennsylvania are paying. It’s ridiculous. People need to speak up.


This is to the woman that has the fabric to give away. I’m interested, my number is 768-1456.


I am interested in the fabric give away plus the flannels for sewing. Call Carol at (607) 333-1644.


This is in reference to the person that has a lot of fabric to give away. My number is (607) 239-9980. I’m very interested in getting the fabric.


Dear fabric donor, my name is Chris, and I can be reached at (607) 235-4004 and would appreciate putting your material to good use.


I’d like to know what this person in Richford does. Richford is lucky to have him, his name is Doug Wendell. As a town employee I’d like to know what he does and who he works for.


Furguson fallout. Let me get this right. A thief attacks an officer and the officer’s vehicle. Gunshots are made, the thief gets a minor injury and flees the arresting officer, returns and he’s shot dead. This is somehow the officer’s fault? Are you kidding me? Give me a break!


My name is Anna, I do a lot of sewing and make clothes to give away to people that really need it for free. Please call me at (607) 239-3096.


There will be an Apalachin Fire District Special Meeting on Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at Fire Station #1, 230 Pennsylvania Ave. in Apalachin.


On Nov. 20, 2014 Cabot Oil and Gas requested permission from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to withdraw up to 18,550,000 gallons of water from the Susquehanna River per day in five separate notices.


Albany and Governor Cuomo have been jerking the public around for years on the fracking business. The gaming commission has been doing the same thing on awarding the casino licenses. They have been milking the applicants dry with their ‘soon’, ‘soon” business and now it is put off until late December. Why do we continue to put up with this garbage?


Just had a crazy thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if we paid for the water we actually use, instead of having to pay a minimum bill, then on top of that, water that we use above and beyond the minimum. That would give people incentive to conserve on their water and actually save money. Many states do this, but silly me, why give people incentive to conserve on one of our most precious resources? We live in New York State, land of the rich! Let the water run!


Twenty years ago the Owego Rotary and Tioga Opportunities teamed up to build a free indoor swimming pool for Owego. Many of us contributed $1,000 each to get the fund started. But when the cost of insurance and maintenance appeared too much for this private enterprise, the school stepped in to take over the project. Many were afraid that the Ahwaga Community Pool would become, simply, the School Pool and severely limit its use by the community. Sure enough, now Community Swim time is limited to only 10 periods at 6 a.m. (out of the 30 days this month, for instance.) All the rest of the time is devoted to school swim sports. We, the Owego community, would like a bigger share of the action.


This is for the person in Candor who insists on fixing things and then says we are building a new school when enrollment is down. We are not building a new school. In fact, we are doing necessary repairs and replacements – like roofs and doors now so that we don’t have to build a new school in the future. And the two new classrooms have nothing to do with enrollment being down. One classroom is for teaching Culinary Arts, and we used to send our kids to BOCES for that. There were limited slots for our kids, and we always had to turn kids away, when in fact a lot of kids end up working in the restaurant industry. The second new classroom is for students with very special needs. We also used to send those kids to BOCES. It seems unfair to put those children on a long bus ride every day and send them off to strangers when we can educate them here at home. I know the project passed by a fairly narrow margin, but it did in fact pass, so let’s move on. And if there is a next time, please come out and get yourself educated on what the project really is, not what you heard through the rumor mill. I am so proud to say that my children graduated from one of the best small schools in New York State, and now that my kids are grown and gone, I still pay my school taxes without grumbling, even though I live on a fixed income. Everyone chipped in when my kids were growing up – single people who owned a small house, married people without any children, and senior citizens as well.


I wonder how the folks in Buffalo would react to talk of global warming about now? And, before someone suggests that 5-feet of snow is BECAUSE of global climate change, Oswego, N.Y. had a similar storm in 1959. Local residents considered it just another of the lake effect storms they had endured since living in an area affected by the lake effects. In the mean time, it seems that ice coverage at both poles has nearly doubled in the past few years. Guess global warming might be a hoax, you think?