Readers’ Column for the week of November 25, 2018

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message. 

A sterling ring was found at Riverow Bookshop in Owego. Call (607) 687-4094, or stop in to identify and claim. Also found is a Fisher Price Keyboard, at Riverow Bookshop in Owego. Call the number previously listed, or stop in to identify and claim.


Contrasting the Sayre Morning Times article of Nov. 15, 2018 reporting Tioga County’s budget as being “unsustainable” and raising the specter of yet another tax increase of 2.02 percent with the recent Owego Pennysaver issue of Nov. 18, 2018 listing county taxes being delinquent since January 2018 in the amount of $4.8 million, shouldn’t our County Legislators be directing their attention to these perennial delinquent accounts rather than imposing additional burden on the taxpayers who faithfully honor their tax obligations. Maybe having Legislator salaries being drawn solely from collections on delinquent tax accounts being put to the vote on the next ballot would be fitting and appropriate.


I’m wondering why, in this conservative law and order area, there are so many law breaking red light runners.


This message is for all snowmobilers who use farmland to snowmobile on. This year has been such a wet year that there are ditches and ruts where they have never been before. We want all of our snowmobiler friends to be safe, so be careful when you’re on farm property; know exactly where the ruts and stuff are because we don’t want any deaths due to snowmobile accidents. 


Binky is a brand name for a pacifier. It got to be somewhat generic, as have Thermos, Kleenex, Ping Pong, and other products and things. 


Do you know that most small towns copy their junk car law from other towns? These are local laws, not codes. They are enforced by Enforcement Officers better known as Zoning Enforcement officers. Code Enforcement Officers are mandated by New York State to enforce the State Building and Fire Codes not local laws. The two enforcement officer positions are separate. The Code Enforcement Officer can enforce local laws or zoning if made a part of his job and the village or town appoints him separately. The enforcement or zoning officer cannot enforce State Codes unless trained to do so. Bottom line is you may not have an appointed enforcement officer and your laws are probably copied from a town with zoning and not enforceable anyway. Read your laws!


I just called the Town of Owego Highway Department. It’s 11:51 a.m. and the road is still full of snow on Clover Road. They have yet to send a plow and when you call the town office you just get, well that’s the way it is. Maybe the town is looking for a lawsuit when somebody gets in a motor vehicle accident because I would think if they had been out since 3 this morning, they could’ve at least run a plow down the road to make it passable. All I have to say to the folks in the village of Owego, if you think letting the town take over your services is the right thing to do, you need to talk to people that live in the town and ask them how little they actually get for the exorbitant taxes they pay. 


I would like to thank Tioga Downs for contributing money to buy turkeys for so many people in our county. I doubt the people realize what a great bonus it has been to have turkeys and been able to share them with our neighbors and friends. It’s going to make a happy Thanksgiving for a lot of people all thanks to Tioga Downs contributing a very large amount of money to this cause. Thank you!


If anybody out there installs new zippers in winter coats, please respond to this column and I’ll contact you.


This is the old man on the hill again. Mr. Clark is in charge of the Highway Department. He doesn’t like it because I don’t like the way he runs the highway department, but that’s all right anyway. Now he’s right and I’ve got to agree with him with what Mr. Castellucci and Morgan are trying to do with mortaring under the highway and under the river, that is stupid! Plus, the way I understand it they keep changing things with that new highway garage. They don’t know what the hell they are doing. It will look like that school, the Taj Mahal! They don’t care about money, no problem at all. 


I would like to give a thank you to the manager of Valu hardware on 17C. Even though he was closing on Sunday evening he went out of his way to help me find a part for my door, as I couldn’t open it. Thank you so much!

National Political Viewpoints

Surprise, surprise, surprise! The veterans are not getting their benefits. I thought Trump was going to take care of this. He’s pocketing the money!


President Trump is doing a fantastic job and has accomplished much more in two years than Obama has in eight. Trump needs better supporters than the Republicans. The TEA party needs to be resurrected to build the wall and to scrap Obamacare. Two big promised items that Republicans failed to achieve. We are at war with Marxist Socialist Democrats who are enemies of the U.S. and must be soundly defeated in the 2020 elections. 


I thank almighty God for Trump joining the Republican Party instead of the Democrats. He’s destroying the Republican Party and it’s just as well, they don’t give a damn about people unless you’re a millionaire or billionaire. Well, if you’re a Republican, like I said before, vote Democrat. Get it people? Maybe once your social security is sliced off and you’ve got to wait until you’re 70 or they cut your Medicare, then you’ll pull your head out of you know where.


The Democrats’ new trend is to challenge every election outcome and demand a recount if the Democrat candidate does not win. You see it in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. Hillary has still not accepted her great loss in 2016 and I believe she is to blame for this new Democratic mantra. If the recount does not go in their favor, then they sue. Then they say the election was stolen from them. That, I cannot quite figure out. The votes tell the story. So any division in this country is laid at the feet of the Democrats. To them, it’s all about votes and getting power. They do not care about the American people and what’s good for the American people.


National Socialist Democrats, Cuomo and Deblasio provided Jeff Bezos of Amazon with about $2 billion in taxpayer benefits to build a facility employing 25,000 workers in the New York City area. That amounts to a taxpayer subsidy of about $80,000 per employee. Isn’t it just wonderful to see Socialists subsidize Jeff Bezos, who now ranks as the wealthiest man on earth!

Pinnochio Trump is also a rage-aholic; he makes many untruths. When will people finally see this and get him out!


In some states all you need to vote is a driver’s license. Guess what Democrats, some states give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. As far as veterans are concerned, Trump has done more for the V.A. hospital clean up than most and Obama ever dreamt of. A pay raise and top equipment to defend the country are also Trump’s top priorities. Ask any armed forces member today what they think of Trump, not the loony liberal Marxists who sound like dimwitted donkeys.


Breaking political news for the Trumpsters. Liberals are always the targets of your ire. Do you know that Liberals gave us Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and a safety net including unemployment insurance that keeps you from starving? Wake up Trumpsters! The only thing our five-time draft dodger president has given us is almost 40,000 homeless veterans. Oh yes, don’t forget, you are preceded by immigrants. We are all family derived from immigrants. 


I agree 100 percent with Florence Albert’s letter to the editor, which ran in a previous edition of the Pennysaver, for a description of New York State’s status is spot on. I also agree that Upstate needs to be free of New York City, home to Cuomo and all of his friends. Unfortunately it’s not as easy as just packing up and leaving New York. People have families, property and hopefully jobs to think about. The answer is not to run from these problems but to correct them. But this is not Cuomo’s style. His answer to everything is to raise taxes. After all, he is a Democrat. Big difference between Florida and New York is that Florida has a Republican governor and just elected a new Republican governor by the name of Ron DeSantis. The financially five best run states in the country all have Republican governors. Now what does that say? 


The Democrats are the party of the elite and not the middle class, which is extremely evident in New York State where there is a Democratic governor and New York State is ranked the second highest state for taxes in the nation. 


Follow the news. It’s now reported President Trump doesn’t visit the troops in the combat zone because he is afraid someone will want to kill him. The draft dodger in cheek, five deferments to avoid service n Viet Nam, has no excuse for not taking care of the 40,000 homeless veterans and getting the money that is due to veterans right now. What’s the matter with this guy? Is he just a total coward? 


The Amazon deal will add at least one billion dollars a year in salaries to the economy in N.Y. Now Google economic multiplier. Now understand that it is a good deal at twice the price.


New York City and environs (rounded a bit) pays 60 percent of the New York State taxes and gets 40 percent of the state funds. Upstate pays 40 percent and gets 60 percent of the state funds. Still want to secede?


Republicans lost 35 and counting House seats, seven governorships, and hundreds of state legislative seats. To claim that most of the people support them and President Trump is ludicrous.


I hope that the Democrats do not force us to undergo an impeachment trial of President Trump. It would be a meaningless effort providing another media circus. I do hope though, that the entire congress would somehow force the President to undergo a complete, professional mental evaluation. His actions, including his relating a conversation with the Finnish Prime Minister, which never occurred, are signs of a serious mental condition. Constantly berating members of his staff, lying about practically everything and his weird twitter postings could well be signs of early dementia. He is, after all, seventy-two years old. At the very least we need to have complete faith in our President’s mental acuity in dealing with our foreign adversaries.


Ya gotta love it. Ivanka Trump receives ONE, that’s correct, 1 email on her private device during the transition of Trump’s administration. She immediately forwarded it to herself on her secured government authorized email account, and she’s to be investigated. Hillary deleted 33,000 emails that were under subpoena, sent hundreds to Anthony Weiner, had a private email account in the basement of a mom and pop store, and she gets a pass on the whole illegal mess. It’s known foreign nationals intercepted “Secure” emails having to do with our national security. Why the difference? Why is Hillary given a pass on decades of illegal activities?


How can Dems provide silent support of socialism? As is being repeated in Venezuela (once S. America’s richest country) today, socialism always causes death, starvation, and human suffering. The story is always the same, disarm the people, establish a dictatorship, confiscate property, enforce a police state, destroy rule of law, install incompetent cronies (party hacks) in positions of power and decide what you should have. The power of the information revolution is giving the police state powers over the populace, which far exceeds any Orwellian night mirror. 


So the Democrats want to put free equal Medicare for all. How is that fair for us who worked our butts off to get where we are today. I took care of my disabled husband for eight years with no help from anyone because I couldn’t afford to pay someone to come in to help me. He passed away 10 years ago. He had MS and couldn’t do anything for himself because of the tremors he would get each day. While he was living I had to mow the grass, shovel the snow and rake leaves, maintain a wood stove including stacking 20 face cords of wood myself. I also worked a 40-hour job outside the house and cleaned houses on the side to make ends meet. With all the heavy lifting I had to do I had to have emergency retina surgery on my right eye. I couldn’t afford insurance at that time for myself so the bills where horrendous. I finally got them all paid off. I have a bad back and both my shoulders are bad. I think I deserve my Medicare that I am still paying for each month. I pray to God that this doesn’t go through. Thank you for letting me vent. God Bless America and our servicemen and women who have served and died to protect us and are still serving to protect us to give us our freedoms and rights.  

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