Readers’ Column for the week of May 29, 2016

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

What a hoot! Hillary is now touting her husband, Bill, as the one who can fix our failing economy. She points to the fact that his administration ended with a budget surplus, which it did, but only because the Republican Congress stood its ground and denied some of the typical goofy spending the Liberals try to foist on us. The surplus was actually a holdover from the Reagan administration, helped along and added to by the Republican Congress.


Federal law says that underpass clearances must be clearly posted. Will whoever is responsible for that at the North Avenues underpass in Owego please act, ASAP? Someone is responsible and they will be liable for the next tractor-trailer that gets stuck under it. Why do we always wait for the accident to happen?


While Donald Trump and others will scream for greater efforts to prevent airline terrorist attacks, the simple fact is that nothing more can be done. It is impossible to check every passenger and every piece of luggage and cargo without bringing the airline travel business to a halt. Its best to do what I do, get on the plane with the knowledge that there is always a chance you won’t reach your destination. But then, that’s true of most things in life.


Question Asked: “WHERE WAS OUR VILLAGE MAYOR May 12 Candor Pride Revitalization Campaign public meeting; I only saw one village trustee.” Reply Given: Where in the minutes of the previous three Village Board meetings did that “one village trustee” bring this to the floor for consideration and discussion for all the village trustees and mayor as to the agenda and goals undertaken by the Chamber of Commerce/ Candor Pride Revitalization Campaign to make it inclusionary?  The same can be said of the minutes of the Town Board and Supervisor. At what point did the Chamber of Commerce and those who head up the Revitalization Campaign ask for floor time at either sitting venues to present their mission and request for input and/or participation to move this project from “talk to walk”? As elected representatives, be it Mayor or Supervisor or Trustee or Councilmen, they can only act as representatives by the consensus of the entire elected who sit at the table. Perhaps you may want to rethink exactly who snubbed whom? Resolve it, Get over it and Move on.


For those of you who refuse to consider the fact that Donald Trump’s naming of Hillary as “Crooked Hillary”, I offer the following: according to information obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act law suite, reveals that if Hillary had not been the “First Lady”, she would have been indicted and prosecuted for her part in the White Water scandal. In fact, an actual draft of the indictment of Mrs. Clinton in being held by the National Archives. Seems she really isn’t qualified to be “president”, with a criminal record in her past.


I read that Tom Reed, our congressman, called John Plumb a Washington insider. What? Reed has been doing nothing for Tioga County for the last six terms. Who is the insider here? Plumb is a Navy captain and worked in Washington. He is really a refreshing outsider. Seems Reed doesn’t understand the military.


Watching the reaction to the Harris verdict. It’s amazing how many people don’t need evidence; they just somehow know he is guilty. If, someday, I ever end up on trial for something I’ll have my attorney check back and collect their names so we can keep them off my jury.


Now that justice has finally prevailed, perhaps the taxpayers of Tioga County should reimburse Cal Harris for his legal expenses.


So has anyone encountered one of the Obamacare Death Panels yet? Just curious.


In 1993 the Clinton administration attempted to pass a universal health care system. Hillary was the point person. Republicans derisively called it Hillarycare. So next time someone claims only “guess who” cares, remind them to study some history.


I would like to ask those who are insisting on burning their garbage in their backyards to stop! This past weekend while enjoying the beautiful weather outside in the east side of Owego, we had to hustle our kids inside, remove the laundry from our clotheslines, and close our windows because some people in our neighborhood insisted on burning the remainders of their tree stumps, brush, etc., in an open flame on the ground. The smoke was horrible! The wind was circulating in a pattern that made it difficult to breathe. The flames on the ground and the smoke and stink was seen and felt for two days! Please have consideration for your neighbors and for the environment and do not continue to do this. There are many great people in the county whom you can contact that can haul those pieces of garbage away for you. Call them! It may cost you a little, but your neighbors would certainly appreciate it.


To whoever took two flowerpots off my front porch in the Village of Candor on Monday night, the 23rd – I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. If you had stopped to chat and admired them, I would have given them to you. Just beware that now there are remote cameras all around my property, so if you try to steal anything else you’ll be on candid camera.


I wish to thank the people responsible for cleaning up the cemetery on Prospect Street in Owego. Very considerate and respectful!


I have a Lexus mountain bike and need a front tire rim. If anybody knows if somebody in the area has one or where I can get one they can call Bruce at 761-7604 and leave a message.


Why do we waste money on Civil Service exams? A person’s experience should be sufficient. Donald Trump didn’t have to take a Civil Service exam. So if a presidential candidate doesn’t, why does everybody else have to?


Now remember you taxpayers, and you do pay taxes, remember? The only time they went up and not even keel is when we had a Clinton in the House. He kept the budget perfect, no raises and we all lived very comfortably if we wanted to live and work and do our jobs that were available. Think about it.


Regarding the Owego Apalachin school budget, just under 1,100 votes were cast and just over 700 in favor of passing the budget. I wonder how many of those 700 votes came from school employees and eligible seniors. It just doesn’t seem fair that the polling place should be at the high school. The vote doesn’t seem to represent what the community really thinks.


The United States gives money to 140 different countries. I think that’s a little bit of excess.


A great big thank you to the Campville Volunteer Firemen for helping us clean up our back yard. Thanks guys, great job!


You would not go to an inexperienced mechanic, doctor, dentist, carpenter or electrician. Why would you elect an inexperienced person for the president of the United States?


Debbie blabbermouth Schultz and the Clinton regime have made a Colonel Sanders presidential candidacy just about impossible because they have put super delegates in the bag for Hillary. Now the Bernie supporters are crying foul and demanding Schultz resign. Fat chance that will happen but go Bernie, go Bernie anyway!


If you live in rural areas in Tioga, Broome or Chenango County and do not have internet access, Senator Schumer wants to help. Over 60,000 people in these counties do not have availability of internet access. Help, check , identify and locate wireless dead zones. Go any place you can get online and google and scroll through the list and you will find his survey. Click on it and it will only take about 30 seconds to complete. Be sure to check the box at the bottom that allows them to use your survey information.


The possible new names for the Binghamton Mets have been publicized as being indicative of the surrounding area. Seriously? Stud muffins? Are you kidding me? Where?


If you would like job security go to Tioga Central School. You can hand in your resignation stating that one of the reasons you’re leaving is because you cannot get along with your boss or co-workers one week, and then the next week after you’ve handed in your resignation you can get another job in the Tioga Central School. Now I would say that is job security.


Republican voters should thank Bernie Sanders for working hard to put Donald Trump in the White House.


If they think Socialism is so great they ought to take a trip to Venezuela. That country is an utter disaster. That’s proof that Socialism doesn’t work.


This is to the inconsiderate person who hit and killed our cat on West Beecher Hill Road near Meadow Lane in the last few days. He had been missing since May 6 and we had been looking for him and he was almost home. You took part of our family. You should really feel good about yourself. I hope you can sleep at night.


Follow the news. Candidate Bernie Sanders is making it perfectly clear that he is willing to damage Hillary Clinton’s election chances with his fulminating tactics. Remember this please, Bernie Sanders has never been a registered Democrat.


Many people seemed surprised at the success of candidate Donald Trump these days. Think about it. How many con men do you know who present rotten images?


It’s very depressing when our local legislators in Albany will soon be ending their session where they are concerned as to which frog will be the state amphibian, should cats be declawed, and should yogurt be our state’s snack instead of focusing on more important issues such as water pollution in the Hoosic Falls area and many other local schools.


Bernie may be a Socialist, but doesn’t he appear more honest than the other front runners?


We wonder if the newly appointed Owego Apalachin Superintendent Corey Green will follow the practice set by his predecessor and continue to live completely outside of the school district, which he works. It seems odd that the superintendent who is supposed to represent the school district doesn’t even live or pay taxes in that district.


For all you complainers out there that have nothing better to do than complain about the senior citizens, you will be there some day. So I am one of the people you are complaining about. My wife’s house and mine are in my kid’s names. We have life use of the house. We are seniors on a very limited income and are just trying to get by. My wife and I pay all the taxes, upkeep, insurance, etc. Our kids have their own to worry about and you only get one household star exemption per family. I believe this is something the seniors have earned, as little as it is so leave us alone and worry about yourself. By the way, I am also a Vet.


Waverly School District. Quit threatening cutting athletic programs, activities, and spending less for school supplies, which is practically nothing now. Start at the west of the building and start cutting there. The school is about to tip over with all the dead, expensive and non-needed weight at that end so help us out, not just one way.


I want to say thank you to the person who put the comment in this column last week about dairy farmers. We are a dairy farmer and appreciate those comments in this column. Keep drinking milk!


Okay folks, listen up. Right on red does NOT mean you blow through the light as if it were green. It means you may treat it like a stop sign – stop – yield if necessary – then go. The crash you save could be one you are not in.


Read an article from someone who is complaining that Obama’s college records are sealed. I have news for them. EVERYBODY’S records are sealed, including yours. Privacy act. It’s not any nefarious thing conjured up by Obama protectors.