County’s health ranking is good; needs improvement

Dear Editor,

While we have taken important steps to improve the health of our community, there is more we can do to help our residents lead healthier lives. In the 2016 County Health Rankings Tioga County ranked in the middle on overall health, placing 36 out of 62 counties in New York State.

The Rankings show that, Tioga County has strengths in the area(s) of Social and Economic Factors, where it ranked 15 out of 62.

The Rankings also shed light on factors that are making our residents unhealthy and what more we can be doing to make Tioga County a healthier place to live, learn, work, and play.

The Rankings indicate that Tioga County is at-risk for poor health when it comes to Health behaviors that negatively impact health. Specifically adult smoking rates, adult obesity rates, and alcohol impaired driving deaths. Tioga County ranked 39 out of 62 in these areas combined.

We know from the Rankings that Tioga County needs to do more to decrease smoking rates by preventing smoking initiation. Tioga County can also examine how to decrease obesity rates. Providing healthy foods and access to exercise opportunities can help community members reach and maintain a healthy weight.

The Rankings provide us with an opportunity to make people aware of steps we are taking to improve the health of our residents.

Tobacco Free Broome and Tioga is working with municipalities on smoke-free policies, Tioga County Public Health Department provides educational resources and programs addressing many health factors and behaviors, Tioga County Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse has started a coalition to address substance abuse in Tioga County and Tioga Opportunities has started a hunger task force to discuss food insecurity in Tioga County.

Health is everyone’s responsibility. Working together, we can make Tioga County a healthier place to live, learn, work, and play.

For more information about the County Health Rankings and to compare Tioga County to other counties in New York State, visit


The Tioga County Health Department