VFW thanks community for successful community Christmas party

VFW thanks community for successful community Christmas party

Children attending the VFW’s Christmas Party in December received a free gift thanks to donations from the community and the assistance of many volunteers.

In December, the VFW in Owego was host to a free movie and Christmas party that was open to the community. After the free movie, children and their families were invited to the VFW where they were greeted by Santa and received a free gift. Refreshments were also available.

The VFW would like to thanks their members, the auxiliary, the men’s auxiliary, VVA Chapter 480, the annual VFW golf tournament participants and organizers, the Owego Police Department, Greg’s Auto Sales, and all those who donated for the event.

If you would like to learn more about the VFW and their community efforts, you can call them at (607) 687-1371.