Readers’ Column for the week of Dec. 6, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

Congratulations to the Tioga Central School District, Coach Aiello, his assistant coaches, and the PLAYERS for winning the Class D State Football Championship. It was an awesome win that reflected the dedication that went into the season. We are sure Coach Haggerty is smiling down on all of you. Good luck to all the seniors and “thanks for the memories”. Oh, by the way, we were rooting for Tanner to get his shot, we were sure he would have made it from the Forty.


I am in need of someone in the area who can come out to fix my Overhead garage door opener. There may be an electrical issue going on. Please call (607) 642-8744 if you can assist in this matter. Thank you.


In 1926, it was predicted that in 14 years Florida would become a tropical jungle like the Amazon area of South America. It hasn’t yet. It was predicted that by 2014 the polar ice caps would have melted. They have not, neither one. In fact, both have grown exponentially. It was predicted that violent, severe weather would increase because of climate change/global warming. In fact hurricane activity has become almost non-existent. Our “dear leader” went before the climate change meeting in Paris and stated that whole villages in Alaska are being wiped out because of rising seas, that glaciers are melting at prodigious rate. None of which is true. I’ve been there and witnessed firsthand that things are normal. This is nothing but a huge hoax designed to panic people into going along with an agenda put forth by the U.N., which is designed to do away with manufacturing and capitalism in the U.S., increase taxes, and issue in a whole host of new regulations and controls. But why should we be surprised, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan—-“.


If anyone is looking for a house cleaning to be done once a week, I am interested in the job. I have two clients already and am looking for one more. I work at a school from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, and I have most holidays and the summer off. I have references also from my other clients. Location should be in the Owego / Candor area. My number is 659-5582.


To the person with the free Dell computer: I would like to have the computer, which you are giving away. Please call me at 659-5582. I am very interested in it. I will be home at 1:30 p.m., or leave a message for me to pick it up if you would like.


Hello France! “How’s that gun control workin’ for ya?” You’ve got some of the toughest gun laws in the world. If some people in that Paris theater audience were armed with legally registered concealed weapons, many lives would have been saved! In the U.S., most Democrats on the left want to disarm private citizens so we become sitting ducks like you were. I call upon all peaceful and freedom loving Americans to speak out and vote out those in office who promote so-called “gun-control”. We need to protect our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, or we’ll end up slaughtered like the French.


Besides the fact that Village of Owego residents will have no say in the proposed Fire District Budget, and that the Village of Owego might have to reduce or cut services in other areas to keep the Village Budget affordable to accommodate the Fire District budget. One item stands out. IF the voters approve a Village Fire District, the Fire District BY NYS law cannot bill for EMS calls. Fire Departments or Fire Districts do not have to provide EMS services, only Fire Service. They choose to provide EMS service. Therefore, if the Village wants EMS service that can charge for EMS (or transport) calls, the Emergency Squad will have to be a separate entity, not affiliated with the Village or the Fire District. They would then (and only then) be allowed to charge for services rendered. This would require them to form a corporation with all the requirements met by that corporation as required by state laws. One other point to consider is the village now has three fire stations (ALL in the flood zone). Besides being an insurance nightmare, only one station is currently able to house new full size fire apparatus. The main Owego Fire Station, although historic, is useless except for meetings and storage of small vehicles (such as ambulances, etc.). Residents need to be aware of these items before you vote!


The Press and Sun Bulletin ran a headline: “Postal service is vulnerable to terrorists”. Does that scare you? It should. The oddity of it all is that this headline was in that paper on Saturday, Jan. 4, 1997, page 6A. What have we really done to stop this? Hardly anything! That is why we had a 9-11 with more to come.


Hey, Tioga Center purists, they’re called “forward passes” without which you would have no State Championship; and was Tanner a one-time self-motivated aberration from we will now return to two-point conversions, no field goals, and shanked 20-yard punts.


Pete Damico as Commissioner of the Apalachin Fire Department means dollars saved by the taxpayers. His careful attention to accomplishing financial  goals has saved the District thousands of dollars over the years.  Please vote for him on Tuesday, Dec. 8 between 6 and 9 p.m. at Apalachin Fire Station 1 on Pennsylvania Avenue.


I’d like to express my support for Pete Damico in the Apalachin Fire Commissioner’s election on Tuesday, Dec. 8. Pete has been an outspoken advocate for the volunteers, a past chief and life member of the fire department, and has been a successful commissioner for many years keeping taxes minimized and services improving. He brings the leadership, integrity, and ethics that are needed to represent our tax dollars and I hope you will give him your vote on Tuesday, Dec. 8 between 6 and 9 p.m.


This is a question for Republicans. If a worldclass fraudster and liar and bankruptcy expert like Donald Trump becomes president, how does he plan to propose restoring faith in government?


I would like to thank all the hard working people at the Candor Food Pantry for all their unselfishness and dedication, especially at this time of the year.


When Mr. Trump becomes president and gets into the White House maybe his face will be on the $10 bill, or better still, the $3 bill.


Follow the news. The Republican buffoons fail to strike again. One way to cripple Isis? Stop the International Monetary Fund for them. There’s a man waiting 220 days now for Senate confirmation who can do this job. He’s an expert at international finance, he can stop the money train to Isis. The Republican Senate refuses to vote on his addition to the Treasury Department. All out war on Isis, ask the Republican goof balls what they’re doing.


The Republican do-nothings are complaining our President isn’t doing enough to defeat Isis. Why in heavens name should the President telegraph to the enemy what his plans for destruction are? Get real Republicans!


Once again, proof crime does pay if you are a politician.


Nobama and Carey are poster boys for lunacy. If you think global warming is a bigger threat than Isis or Putin, you deserve to be called a nationalist, socialist democrat.


I was recently looking for a full cord of firewood. I went to people that sell firewood. Their average price is $180 to $220 delivered consistently, consistent size. I got HEAP this year but when I get HEAP wood, that same full cord of wood costs $325. When I call HEAP I never get an answer back. Could someone explain this to me?


To all people that travel West Creek Road, the speed limit is 55 mph. It is not your personal freeway, it’s not your personal race track. If you are always late leave a little early. I have, today, called the State Police and usually they will come out and sit. So beware! Last time I called them he issued 42 tickets in an 8-hour shift. So please slow down, there are children that live on this road.


Donald Trump strikes again. He now claims an historical first; that his vision made him the first to predict that terrorism would occur in this world. Give me a break! A vote for Trump is a vote for disaster. He knows it, you know it, we all know it. Forget that buffoon!


How can you tell when Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump is lying? Answer, whenever you see his mouth open.


Does anyone know what all this construction is over on South Side Drive in the Village of Owego? I’ve heard various rumors about a senior housing complex. I don’t know if it’s going to be apartment buildings or single-family dwellings, or what it’s going to be. Does anybody really know what’s going on over there?


The nightmare before Christmas. President Donald Trump with his hands on the nuclear missile buttons.


Way to go Tioga Central State Champs! Great, congratulations to all the boys, the coach and parents. Great, great!


This is in regards to the person who had the IRS scammers calling them and then they called the Sheriff’s Department where they referred them to the Attorney General. All I’ve got to say is the Sheriff’s Department should have done their job and investigated it. All they did is shove you off onto somebody else do they didn’t have to deal with it.


I was just wondering why Tioga Central High School copies the helmet details of Michigan. Could somebody please explain that to me?


I just read in this column that the underpass is dark and unsafe. It certainly is along with the rest of Owego. Lake Street leaves much to be desired with its lights. Also, as you come into Owego you can’t tell where the road is that leads into McDonalds. The red light there is no help at all and the light going into McDonalds has been out for years! I’m surprised anyone visits Owego after dark. Let’s get some decent lighting in Owego!


To the person who called saying that they thought there should be term limits for some of the various boards in the Village and Town, a – if you think you are qualified and b – if you enjoy giving up days, nights, weekends to the point where you miss your children’s school activities as a volunteer where you do not get paid, why don’t you sign up for sitting on the boards?


Why is everybody talking about the Benghazi video? That’s not worth talking about. The real question is why didn’t Obama and Clinton do one thing to try to save the four who died in Benghazi? So what if it would have taken a few hours to get there. They didn’t even try! The attack lasted 8 hours so they had plenty of time. The answer is that they didn’t care one drop about those people. Another question, why doesn’t Obama wipe out Isis? The answer is, you aren’t going to wipe out your own people.


I’ve got some facts for John of Endicott who was blaming leaving soldiers behind in the last two wars. Whether he remembers it or not Mr. Bush is the one who sent our troops over to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and to Iraq! Mr. Bush is the one who caused these wars and Mr. Bush is a Republican, so stop blaming everything on the Republicans. You Democrats are something else! You won’t even face the facts, you take the facts and twist them around to suit what you want to say. They don’t have a clue what they are talking about and twist them into outright lies! You people need to start telling the truth for a change.


I am calling about the Candor parade that was on Nov. 28 and about how beautiful the parade was and how everybody came out to see the lights on the parade route and what a wonderful time we had. There were more people out than on the fourth! A great big thank you for the people who put it on and who went all out for the parade. Thank you!


What a wonderful job Candor did on Saturday night with the floats lit up. A lot of people came out and it was greatly appreciated. It was a big lift for Candor!


Tioga Terrace neighbors, rumor has it that a donation letter is forthcoming from the Apalachin Fire Department. You may want to recall the help requested for traffic control at our annual spring garage sale that was NOT provided last year.


When Ted Cruz decided to run for president his wife took a leave of absence from her Wall Street job to work with her husband while he runs for president. She had to find insurance for her and her husband. Guess what? They signed up for Obamacare. Ted Cruz said if he won as president he would get rid of Obamacare, so why isn’t anyone saying anything about this? If this was Donald Trump it would be on every news network.


I just wanted to say with the holidays coming, Christmas, years ago my father and I decided instead of giving to each other what we would normally give, that we would give to a charity. There are just so many charities that need help these days. It’s really a good feeling and a good thing to do. Think about it.


News flash. Hillary has a great plan to create jobs. I hope it is better than her Upstate New York plan, which is a total failure. So how is she going to pay for all this spending? Why by increasing taxes on corporations, which are fleeing New York and the U.S. in general and going to places like Ireland. Maybe, by increasing taxes on the middle class, hey they can afford it. Or, by .50 per gallon tax on gasoline. Oh boy, Obama would love to put gasoline suppliers out of business just as he is doing to the coal industry. So if you want Hillary to win you will get Obama number three and you will deserve it.


Looking for a used hospital bed, can be manual or electric. Please respond to (607) 372-2478.


When Hillary testified that she had no classified emails on her server, those nasty conservatives said she was lying. Now we know she was just exaggerating the truth because there was not zero, get this, 1,000 classified emails on her server which is illegal. I wonder if the justice department is going to do anything about that. I doubt it!