Drivers can set an example

Dear Editor,

I have had the pleasure of teaching my granddaughter to drive. During the last two months we have had an education ourselves, that neither of us planned on. We have ‘learned’ how impatient, rude and downright obnoxious many of you fellow drivers are. I say, many, not all.

You tailgate, (the worst one), you swear, throw your hands up, fly by us at an alarming speed, all the while running your mouth and making gestures. You take our place in line at the gas station because we did not move fast enough for you, and then you get out and glare, like we were in the wrong.

My granddaughter is shocked and hurt by many of your behaviors on the road. What are YOU teaching her about driving? Maybe you could learn from her.

She is cautious, considerate and kind. The next time you come flying up behind someone going slow, remember, it could be your child or grandchild learning to drive.


Bonnie Lillie

Apalachin, N.Y.