“Do what I say, not what I do”, does not work!

Dear Editor,

July 19, 2010 marks the date of adoption of Common Core by the New York State Board of Regents. July 19, 2015 marks the 5th anniversary of adoption. The anniversary is marked with refuse to participate, opt out, lack of information, understanding, emotion, participation, and all of varying degrees.

This detracts from the intended process: education. I propose the following: All members of the Board of Regents should take the 8th grade ELA and math tests. The tests should be taken in the same environment (classroom) and with the same rules used in the public school setting. Tests will be sent to an outside agent or service for grading and evaluating.

The Board of Regents will have no input, similar to the present process. This part of the process will relate to what current students experience. Part 2 of your experience involves critiquing the test and the testing procedure. This activity will relate to your responsibility in managing the educational process in the State of New York.

Documenting and describing both positive and negative aspects of the test will be required. The level and degree of accuracy will be judged. This evaluation will be utilized in the same manner as proposed by the Governor of the State of New York.

Failure to achieve an acceptable level, will result in the loss of certification, license or other permission to participate in a profession in this State. Public input will be requested through letters to local printed media and through radio talk shows in the Syracuse, Ithaca, Binghamton and Elmira areas.

“Do what I say, not what I do”, does not work! Programs are adopted. Those who adopt them should participate fully in them. They should share in the rewards – positive and or negative. Future communications will be through the Chancellor.

A copy of this letter was mailed (May 22, 2015) to each member of the New York State Board of Regents. The letter suggests the need for practical experience with the testing procedure. Part 2 relates to the utilization of the information acquired from the testing process. The concept of Common Core is noble, somewhat well intentioned, but from my point of view totally ineffective relative to the educational process. A comment by the current (new) Com. of Education refers to getting back to the Regents Exam idea. Thank you for your time and interest.

In the future, reference to this letter may be made in the readers’ column.


Joseph Albrecht

Owego, N.Y.