Readers’ Column for the week of Aug. 9, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

Please remember to water cemetery flowers!


FOUND: Practically brand new jacket on Catatonk Hill Road. Please call to identify, 659-3690.


Please! Ninety-five percent of the baby carriages do not have the top shade area put down to protect the child from the sun. TV shows skin cancer later in life if the children are not shaded!


A doctor on TV said flip-flops should only be worn at the beach. The foot and arch need to be supported to alleviate future knee and foot problems. I have seen kids ride bikes with flip flogs on. Census states many injuries and broken bones from flip-flops!


So now John Carey admits he has not seen and does not know the secret protocols in the horribly structured Iran/Nobama treaty. Even democrat buffoons should by now be critical of this disastrous capitulation to Muslim radicals. Just ask yourself why our dear leader pushed this travesty on us all.


I’m new to the Spencer area and was wondering if anyone could give me some good ideas about mechanics in the area.


Oh yes, “The Donald” is very articulate in getting his views expressed but more important is able to really listen to those not in step with him? Being the head of a large corporation does not necessarily prepare a person to be president. After all, there are three other branches of power to deal with in government if you want to be successful. Congress, the Supreme Court and lastly, if not least, John Q Public.


Hilary Clinton intervened in a legal case where UBS, a Swiss banking company was charged with tax evasion. Previously UBS had contributed about $60,000 to the Clinton Foundation after Hilary brokered a sweet settlement, UBS just happened to give Bill Clinton about $1.5 million in speaking fees. Watch the left wing news media bury another Clinton scandal.


This is in regards to the person who had their U.S. mint coins stolen out of your house. I can remember when you could leave your doors unlocked with no problems. Not so today. I can say personally with the things that I have, I am very careful of who I let in my apartment. When I’m going to be gone awhile, such as going to work, I’ll make sure my doors are locked. You have to be very careful nowadays.


Would you buy anything or anybody or company that had a quality rating of less than ten percent. Obviously I don’t think so, yet why is so much credibility given to the United States Congress as it continues to meddle in the lives of Americans? They now want to defund Planned Parenthood, which provides healthcare for millions of woman. The Republicans again want to deny access healthcare for many of our friends and neighbors. Why should we listen to these buffoons when their quality rating is less than 10 percent? They never get anything right. They just cause grief and agony and discomfort unnecessarily through their meddling in the social lives of Americans.


Nobama is clueless and dealing with Iran and with Muslim radicals in general. The nobama treaty is a travesty of surrender. We will wake up some morning in the near future and Iran will have a nuclear weapon sitting on a Chinese or Russian engineered intercontinental missile. We are being led by fools and traitors. Wake up America!


I believe Bin Laden is still alive and in this country. I believe there is a conspiracy going on with high-powered individuals in the United States and Obama is in charge.


To the resident that lives on the corner of Paige and East Temple, you better take better care of your dog or there will be consequences.


I was wondering if anybody is going to cut the weeds along East River Road in Lounsberry this year.


I’m just curious how many people out there know how much the taxpayers of Tioga County are paying to have fire apparatus stored at the sheriff’s department for this Town of Owego Fire, the outfit that’s building a station here. I don’t even live in the Town of Owego but I do live in Tioga County, and I know they’re not going to have this done until the September or October timeframe. I was just curious how much are we going to pay to have that put there. My tax dollars should be used better off other places because obviously there is going to be electricity used or who knows. Is that a legitimate use of your resources?


Another reminder of our annual Tioga County Kids’ Picnic on Saturday, Aug. 15 from noon to 4 p.m. There will be free food, drinks, bounce house, zoo mobile, hayrides and bicycles to raffle off. Hope to see you there! Bicycle raffle will be at 3 p.m. and we have quite a few.


Follow the news. The Republicans are still the party of no. The Republicans have no new ideas. They just keep saying no. Jeb Bush says too much money is being spent on women’s health. The Republican Congress still won’t do anything. Don’t forget they’re still rated at less than 10 percent approval. Of course the Republicans in congress want war, trying to reject the Iran deal. Who would buy anything rated at 10 percent or less?


The majority of the politicians running for president on the Republican side are very poor quality, boring, and are do nothing politicians who have a great paying job for life. Donald Trump puts life into the party. The rest of them act like zombies.


The ongoing saga over the casino license in the Southern Tier is getting to be stupid. They show hundreds and hundreds of boxes being submitted in order to obtain a license. The last time they went through this the Southern Tier license was given to someone on the northern border! They told us that was the Southern Tier too and gave it to somebody who the whole population around it, that signed petitions, went to court to object it and we were told people had to want the casino! I want to know if that’s an example of New York State, if it’s an example of New York State open for business.


The man who did the shooting at the theater in Tennessee was committed four times to mental institutions. They knew he had problems and this was not taken care of. This is what happens when these people are not put away for good or not taken care of. You only wonder how many people are walking around out there like this guy.


The current walking disaster occupying the Oval office just gave a speech to young leaders in Africa somewhere in Kenya. In the speech, he basically outlined exactly what goes on inside Planned Parenthood, and condemned it in no uncertain terms, saying it was barbaric, ritualistic killing, and had to be stopped. Does he live in an alternative universe, or is he totally whacked out on something?


Social Security has never contributed one penny to the deficit and has a $2.8 trillion surplus. In fact, the U.S. Government owes Social Security since it has borrowed from the fund without our permission. Don’t believe the lies about Social Security.


I wanted to let residents in the area know that there is currently a phone scam going on. I received a phone message from a man with a heavy accent claiming he is “Officer” Jack Hoffman and saying that the IRS had a warrant out for an arrest at my address and that I was under Federal investigation. He never used any names or specified an address. Beware!


It is way past time for the Owego mayor, trustees, and Marchewka to get off their butts and come up with an equitable sewer cost plan like they said they would do when they ran for the office. One size does not fit all like most of the clothing now a days. The charges for a single residence, multiple housing, and businesses and industry should have separate charges. It is quite obvious that they contribute different volumes of waste to the sewer plant.


There is something big about to happen. In a nutshell, there are two options that are on the table for the OFD. We can let the Mayor think we don’t care about the Village and let him let the Town (Campville and the quitters take over the fire service) and deal with them and a tax increase that will be astronomical, or we can support OFD and support them with a proposal to separate OFD from the Village and run on their own. They need our support at the next Village Board meeting (Aug. 17) when we will give our proposal to the Village Board. If you can make it to the Village Board meeting please come. The Mayor doesn’t think there is enough membership in the Village and is leaning towards Campville and the quitters. On Aug. 31st there will be a second special meeting of the Village Board at Hubbard Auditorium where they after going over the proposal from the Aug. 17 and will discuss and vote on which way to go. Please mark your calendars for the Aug. 17 and Aug. 31, and come and support OFD.


To the village residents of Owego – If you believe the village needs its Fire Department and Emergency Squad at no additional cost, then show up to the Village Board Meeting on Aug. 17 at 6:30 p.m. and Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m. If the village loses their Village Fire Department, then coverage will go to the Town of Owego (Campville) Fire District. So not only will we have a longer response time, our taxes will go up 37 percent like the Town of Owego residents were hit with this year. Call the Village Board members and tell them they should do everything they can to keep the Fire Department and Emergency Squad and not look for ways to cause us to LOSE them. Do NOT listen to the remarks that coverage would be the same or better if our coverage goes to the Town of Owego Fire District. How would a 37 percent tax increase be better? So show your support to the Owego Fire Department and Emergency Squad and show up to the Village Board meetings on Aug. 17 and Aug. 31. EVERYONE who cares to keep his or her Emergency coverage should show up.


When did the Tioga County Jail become a fire station housing a Campville fire engine? Why is Tioga County subsidizing the mismanagement of the Town of Owego Fire District by allowing this to happen?


The Postal Service belongs to all, regardless of age, nationality, race or gender, rich or poor, urban or rural; so we encourage all communities to defend this institution from the drive towards its destruction. The Postal Service has been in operation for 240 years. Forty percent of the world’s mail volume is handled by the Postal Service. The USPS uses zero taxpayer dollars to operate. Call your Congressman (Reid or Hanna) and tell him you do NOT want the Postal Service privatized. Congress needs to stop attempts to steal from us and give to their rich friends.


Stop the raid on Social Security. Call your Congressman (Reid or Hanna). Republicans claim they are the ones willing to make tough decisions. But forcing some of our most vulnerable off of Social Security while millionaires and billionaires only pay into the program on a fraction of their income isn’t a tough decision, it’s outrageous. Republicans are offering Americans a false choice between cuts and privatization. You and I know that all it really takes to extend the life of the Social Security trust fund is to require the wealthy to start paying their fair share of taxes. And when they do, we can afford to expand benefits for millions of Americans. AND, demand that Congress pay back into the Social Security fund the millions borrowed from it without our permission.


We have a right to know what’s in our food. Remember, clear and meaningful food labels are the primary tools that government provides consumers in order to make informed choices. The DARK Act (Deny Americans the Right to Know) undermines consumer choice. We encourage you to join us in this fight by urging your U.S. Senators (write or call Senator Schumer by calling (607) 772-6792 and Senator Gillibrand at (315) 448-0470) to reject a Senate version of the Dark Act. Let’s make sure the Senate version of the DARK Act never sees the light of day. Act now. Let’s nip this in the bud.


It is sad that the good golfers’ are being shunted and Woods is getting all the press and television coverage. The announcers call him by his first name but everyone else is Casey, Mickelson, Speith or whatever. There are some really good golfers out there now and he can’t stand the competition and the pressure, but is still getting top billing.


For more than 10 hours, 50 heavily armed policemen surrounded a home in downtown Sayre. If only somebody had knocked on the door they would have found that nobody was home. But then, what fun would that have been?


Does anyone think it’s strange that the Town of Owego Fire (Campville) called Maine Fire for mutual aid for a call on Route 38? This just happened a couple of weeks ago. Good luck to all the people who are in that district now. That had to have taken 20 to 30 minutes to respond.


I was lucky enough to be chosen this year for participation in having teens from out of our area coming into our community and doing work around my property. I have to tell you that it was a wonderful experience. Enthusiastic kids and an adult painted my house and rebuilt steps and did a wonderful job. Happy enthusiastic Christian kids who worked their butts off doing a beautiful job. I got to know them and their values (which was refreshing because you hear so many negative things about young people today) and they got to know me also. Thank You Tioga Opportunities for this wonderful experience. And my house looks terrific.