Bite-Sized Pursuits: Understanding Credit Card Changes

The Tioga County Chamber of Commerce is hosting a breakfast edition of Bite-Sized Pursuits on Friday, Aug. 14 at Owego’s Parkview Hotel and Restaurant located on Front Street in Owego. The topic will be Understanding Credit Card Changes and the session will run from 7:30 to 9 a.m.

Are you prepared for the upcoming changes to credit card merchant services and shifts in liability? U.S. banks are changing the insides of credit cards. They’re adding something called EMV technology, which stands for “Europay, MasterCard, and Visa.”

New credit cards will be equipped with a computer chip that’s extremely hard to counterfeit. As of Oct. 1, 2015, businesses that don’t have an EMV processing device could be on the hook for fraudulent chip card transactions.

At this seminar, EMV will be explained, the impact on the merchant will be discussed to include discussions on whether to upgrade or not, and information on fraud and much more.

Our presenters will be Mary Keefe, vice president and business services manager and Marcia Boor, assistant treasurer of business services both from Chemung Canal Trust Company.

The cost is $7 for Tioga Chamber Members and $10 for Non-Chamber Members. Reservations are required by Aug. 12.

Call the Tioga Chamber at (607) 687-2020.