Like sheep we have been led astray

Dear Editor,

One of reasons for Sept. 11 World Trace Center attacks was admitted to be due to our country’s moral breakdown. The attackers’ admitted to this saying they didn’t want our normal immoral culture in their villages. I was shocked that my country had fallen that far.

When I looked at our government and many of the Churches heading the charge away from our country’s Christian founded values I saw they were right.

I then watched our politicians through our Democratic party striving to do this because they realized their plan to control our country with Income equality could not be successful if Christian Freedoms were allowed. These freedoms founded our country from the pilgrims to our world leading Republic.

I realize that this effort has been going on for many years, but until this President was given the most powerful office it couldn’t be fulfilled. I recently read a Thomas Jefferson quote that explains our problem, “A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant is unfit to be the Ruler of a (free) people.”

We like sheep have been led astray. We must return to our founding or we, and the world, will again be controlled by tyrants.


John Zechman

Endicott, N.Y.