Readers’ Column for the week of May 10, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

This is for the person who thinks school budget votes shouldn’t be held at, you know, schools. Where should they be held? And can you justify the additional cost of holding the election off campus? And whom would you disrupt to hold it someplace else for nine or ten hours? The village library? The town hall? The fire station? And your point about school district employees voting and swaying an election is completely ridiculous because faculty and staff can only vote on the budget and the board members if they also live in the district, so they would be voting anyway. People who are going to vote yes will vote yes regardless of where the vote is held, just as misinformed cranky pants will vote no regardless of the venue.


The technician who just installed my cable box earns $12 per hour. Robert Marcus, Time Warner’s CEO, got $4,000 per hour last year. Is this how capitalism is supposed to work? Maybe socialism isn’t so bad after all.


I wonder how many others out there feel like we do, that everything of value in this country is under attack by the Left, and has been for the 13 years of Nobama? (Oh, wait, it’s only been 6 1/2 years you say, it only FEELS like 13.) Just keep thinking the Serv-Pro jingle, “Like It Never Even Happened!”


I just read the article about the Town Board and the Crestview Heights citizens. Wow! I thought we had problems right here in river city, Owego! But these guys don’t even belong to the same tribe. Sounds like Crestview could use some outside help, spelled l-a-w-y-e-r.


Is the Town Board playing king of the hill with Crestview or is it a spitting contest?


I’m looking for someone to do light housework that is dependable and trustworthy in the Owego/Candor area. Please call and leave your number.


I’m wondering if there is a Red Hat Society in this area.


The Town of Richford has their emergency calls taken care of by Northern Tioga Emergency Medical Services. About 50 percent of the time they responded to calls in 2014. Richford wants a minimum 65 percent response rate for 2015. I think they should have at least a 90 percent response to emergency calls.


It’s camping season! Have you seen the road at Hickories? Who runs to drive in and out of there?


If you want to know what happened to Owego Price Chopper’s donut section why don’t you go to Owego Price Chopper and ask them? How would we know? They would know more about it that we do. We just go there to buy just like you do.


How could America want somebody like Mayweather who has been arrested like seven times for assaulting various women represent them in any sport ever, anywhere for any reason. It just goes to prove again that women are the last people care about in this nation. We’re one of the last countries to have a woman leader. We are the last people to get the vote and now, you can just assault any woman you want and represent your country in a sport like boxing and people will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for you.


The Cal Harris trial defines the expression “media circus”. That’s what it is.


I would just like to thank the person that picked up my bank card at the Sunoco in Apalachin, and thank you also to the folks at Sunoco that held on to it for me until I could come to pick it up.


I just want to sincerely thank all those who contributed to the food drive during Marshland Drive area garage sales. It truly touches my heart when folks come together for the greater good of our community. It warms my heart to know that as much as we have lost over the years with the flooding we can still come together to give back. All of your donations will be given to the Tioga County Rural Ministry food pantry. Thanks again. — Cindy Williams, Apalachin


I’d like the people that throw their cans on the road to know that if they pick them up, they can donate them to the cheerleaders in Newark Valley.


This is in regards to all the comments regarding Tioga Central’s raise of 30 percent in taxes. Sure community, if you vote no as all of them have asked you to do, you may have a chance of less programming arrangements and other things – but when it doesn’t pass and we are underfunded by the state and we are dissolved, be ready to pay double, more than 30 percent, upwards of a 60 percent of where you are now and we will be absorbed into Owego/Apalachin. So remember Tioga Central, a vote for no means possibly doubling your taxes when Tioga Central no longer exists and we become Owego/Apalachin.


Tell me it isn’t true, but I was told by a DOT state worker that the upper Mill Street Bridge in Candor was going to soon be replaced. If so, why? This is a relatively new bridge built only a few years ago and it certainly looks to be 100 percent okay. Are our taxpayer dollars going to waste?


The Clinton Foundation has raised $1.7 billion. About 12 percent of that has been traced to humanitarian causes. Where did the other $1.5 billion go? Bill said he had to pay the bills and openly lied about not using capital gains tax reductions. Do you wonder why Hillary destroyed all evidence on her personal computer server? Will the FBI investigate this scandal? Don’t hold your breath.


I am thankful that we have a presidential candidate that is honest, sincere and has good basic principles. Mike Huckabee possesses the best qualities for president. Check his profile and know that he is a good man who will straighten out the political scene with God’s help.


To answer the reader’s question, who was the TV announcer for the first BC Open, it was Phil Jacob’s who was the sports announcer for WNBF and WBNG, Channel 12. Good luck on your bet, hope you win!


Follow the news. The republican led senate has passed the cost cutting budget plan and they have your future in mind. Legislation is in the process of being legislated that will repeal the health care law, turn Medicare into block grants where state bureaucrats will decide who gets money, and they’re beginning to convert Medicare into a program that will offer elderly people assistance to buy private health insurance instead of the wonderful Medicare program that we have now. Can you imagine two adults in a home with Alzheimer’s trying to work their way through a voucher plan to buy private health insurance? Tell your congressman to stop this idiotic legislative nonsense by the buffoons who somehow keep getting elected.


Tioga Central School is asking for too much in their school tax increase. They should cut teaching positions, sports, music, etc. to help keep the tax increase to a minimum. These schools want everything and don’t care how much they screw over the taxpayer. Tioga Central School is not willing to cut teaching positions or school activities to help with the taxes.


SERIOUSLY! What is Tioga Central Administration thinking? They want a 30 percent tax increase and NO CUTS, and they all get a raise! Taxpayers get out and vote NO on May 19.


It is a real shame that the Owego Apalachin School District is putting forth a budget for 2015 – 2016 that is $1,313,225 larger than the current year. In the article that was in this paper on April 26, 2015 about the budget there was no information about why the increase is needed. As a taxpayer in this district, I think they need to provide some answers.


It is unbelievable that the Owego Apalachin School Board approved the 2015 – 2016 budget for $43,705,160 without asking ONE question! I would call this rubber-stamping whatever the Administration wants. Is this how the Board demonstrates they are looking out for the taxpayers? They were elected by the taxpayers to represent us, but they are not doing their job! This is a good reason to vote NO on the 2015 – 2016 budget, which increases our taxes by $589,134 with no questions asked.


Now that the Ride Tioga buses are no longer running through the village of Owego, can someone take down their signs?