Find out what Girl Scouts is all about at a day of play at the Village Chapel in Candor on Feb. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Girls in kindergarten through third grade are invited to come make crafts, try new games, make friends, and play the day away. The cost to attend is $20 per girl and includes the $15 Girl Scout membership fee. Financial assistance is available. Current Girl Scouts are welcome to attend the program if they bring a non-registered friend with them.
For more information, or to register, visit the programs and events page at, scroll down and click on the Day of Play program description.
Join the fun and friendship of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Contact the Girl Scouts’ Horseheads Service Center at (607) 796-6202, visit, become a fan at, follow and, or read the blog at for more information.