Help Cornell Cooperative Extension learn about the food system in Tioga County

Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) in Tioga is working on a project to gather information about the community food system in Tioga County. 

What is a food system? It is all aspects of food and food purchases, from farmers growing crops or making milk; to businesses making value-added products like cheese, jam, and other processed foods; to wholesalers and finally to grocery stores, food pantries and farm markets – places where folks get most of their food.  

CCE interns, working along with CCE staff, have created surveys intended to find strengths and weaknesses in four key areas of the food system-production, consumption, coordination and markets.

Anonymous surveys will be distributed in the coming weeks through both paper and online mediums. A printed survey was sent to all the farmers in the CCE database.  

In addition, they will be going out to meet folks in the community, so you may see them at grocery stories, community events, food pantries, farm markets and the like.  

Participation in this survey is easy and takes less than 10 minutes.

The results from these surveys will be analyzed and the finding summarized for the community. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses in the current food system will allow CCE to better serve the community, connect people to available resources, and identify areas that are lacking.

This survey poses an opportunity to have your voice heard and will allow CCE to continue serving the community effectively. To access the survey online, visit

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