On Friday evening, Oct. 6, the Early Owego Antique Center will feature a live, hands on demonstration of how to turn rags to riches with State of the Art Fusion Mineral Paint. As part of Owego’s 1st Friday Art Walk, reclamation Artist Beth Speidel will be plying her skills to teach you directly how to transform furniture and objects of former glory into vibrant and useful articles to re-use or sell into this growing market.
The demonstrations will run continuously from 6 to 8 p.m. in Early Owego’s recently remodeled basement space. Speidel’s “Trinity Farmhouse Interiors” has been re-purposing furniture for years, and her work is well known in both Central New York and the Fort Valley, Virginia area.
She regularly has a number of signature pieces on hand and for sale in her space at Early Owego, as well as offering a wide range of the superior Fusion brand paint products at the Antique Center. She accepts commissions to provide re-finishing of heirloom pieces into more modern, bright styles, but really loves to show others how easy it is to get spectacular results with Fusion products and tools.
Still, the sky is the limit once your creative side is awakened, and Beth will show you how many objects and tools around the house can be used to create outstanding works of decorative art.
Be sure to join Beth on Friday evening to learn more about this popular decorating technique.
For more information about Fusion products see www.fusionmineralpaint.com.
To see Beth’s work and to learn more about her mission, visit facebook.com/trinityfarmhouseinteriors/.
The Early Owego Antique Center is located at the corner of Lake and Main Streets in Owego, N.Y. To learn more, visit www.earlyowegoantiquecenter.com.
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