A reader’s view on ‘Right to Life’

Dear Editor,

It was over 35 years ago that I was led to Right to Life by a friend, who is also a doctor. I worked diligently for many years with several groups to include Right to Life, Birthright and Moms house.

Through this work I have learned many facts.

Anyone who has an abortion can be forgiven by the grace of God.

More babies have been killed by abortion than people killed in all our wars. There have been 70 million to date.

Dr. Everett Kopp, a forerunner in passing abortion laws eventually accepted a position in Fetology at St. Luke’s Hospital. He said, “I was responsible for killing thousands of people.” He soon became pro-Life.

Life begins at conception, after which there is only growth. People, this is a person, not a glob of tissue.

Planned Parenthood issues a death certificate for each abortion performed, stating it is only for statistical reasons.

Abortion is totally against our constitution. Abortion is not about children who might come into the world, but it is about children who are already in the world, living and growing in the womb. We should protect and save these babies.

If you believe in life, please let your voice be heard.


Cleo C. Sopka

Owego, N.Y.