Readers’ Column for the week of March 1, 2020

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

If you think everyone paying the same sewer bill is not fair, think about the owner of an unoccupied rental house without water also paying that same bill. Years ago, before the change, at least there was a minimum payment to cover this situation and that seemed fair.


Mayor Mike, where can someone get a list of all recipients from the $10 million grant?


For the purpose of those who did sell back their NYSEG stock, there was available, at the time of sale, a means to maintain your investment with Iberdrola, as it is a traded stock company. Iberdrola is listed in NYSE or AMEX by way of your stock converted to certificates, then vested via the American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), which are U.S. negotiable instruments representing the title to a company constituted outside the U.S., and into the Madrid Stock Exchange where Iberdrola is listed. Many NYSEG shareholders opted to cash out. Many of the employees being vested in a 401K chose a rollover.


The caller last week regarding reusable bags had a point. I can see where this entire bag mandate is going to backfire. Reusable bags are going to possibly become a health hazard. Additionally, whose bright idea was it for single use plastic bags to be allowed for take-out? I would suspect these are and always have been the very bags that end up escaping, intentionally or accidentally, into the environment. Grocery bags contain groceries, which are taken directly into the home and unpacked. Another half-baked, poorly thought-out idea from Albany; but that’s okay, the taxpayers can foot the bill for vermin and salmonella outbreaks. Keep adding reasons to leave the state.


Cuomo (nor the state for that matter) does NOT set or control any of your property taxes. Property taxes are all local. All local. In fact he has been the champion of limiting the growth of property taxes. But of course those simple facts don’t fit your beliefs, so you ignore them.


Where does the Tioga County Sheriff stand on our county’s sanctuary gun laws and our ability to maintain our second amendment rights so fervently opposed by our Governor? As reported, there are five neighboring counties that are fighting for gun rights within their respective counties to oppose our governor’s oppressive stand toward our second amendment rights. Their county’s elected lead law enforcement agent, or Sheriff represents these counties. The risk to any Sheriff is that the Governor could come after their job, even though the local populace elects the Sheriff. Do you suppose our Governor, who grants illegal immigrant licenses, eliminates bail for criminals, supports live birth abortions, decreed New York a sanctuary state, and supports antigun laws, is really the Governor you want controlling your legal gun rights. I vote NO! Please, Sheriff Howard, if not already engaged in this movement, work for the legal gun owners of our county.


Boss Cuomo proclaims convicted felons the right to vote. This increased his voter base by 2.5 percent, which is huge. One in 40 adults is a convicted felon. Boss man is not a humanitarian or SJW, just a corrupt New York politician. If felons were 50/50 Democrat and Republican, then nothing to see here. If criminal Democrats slightly outnumbered Republicans, then nothing to see. Boss Tweet clearly thinks the preponderance of felons are Democrats. Further so long as felons don’t have to post bail, they’ll always be available to vote as many times as necessary. They’re felons who will not be arrested for such a trivial non-violent crime, let alone be required to post bail. The intellectually void and low IQ welfare deprived illegal aliens with drivers’ licenses will be in the booth next to you. Boss Tweet, Dictator for Life! I’ve told my carpetbagger friends to come to New York and fleece the most docile of sheep.  


I’m retired. I’m not on welfare. I’m not a convicted felon. I support Cuomo. He gets elected because a significant majority of New York voters like him. Including 35 percent of the voters in Tioga County in 2018. Get over it.


“Secession by county is a moral imperative to escape moral rot (of New York State). Without ethics, morals, and equality under the law it is time for Upstate to step away from Cuomo, his corrupt union bosses, and one-party rule corruption.” Question, where is the petition I need to sign?


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I gather from the person(s) calling in constantly ranting about the sewer bill is – they are of the opinion that a home with a widow alone struggling to keep the family home is to pay the same sewer charge as the same size structure with perhaps as many as four families with potentially over a dozen people flushing toilets and putting waste water into the system from bathing, dishes, laundry from considerably more than one person. If I got that wrong I apologize; however, the bottom line is that the only fair way to charge for sewer usage is based on water consumption for each address and property. We should be attending Village board meetings to see what can be done to this end.


Is possible for some agency to get on the local retailers about advertising items for sale with no price, just a percent? I wish it could be corrected.


Per this week’s OACSD Budget Forum, just the increase in healthcare insurance for District employees will consume $900,000. Estimated revenue for the District will increase by $970,000 ($650,000 state and $320,000, if a 2 percent property tax increase). Assuming little change from last year’s budget there isn’t nearly enough to cover the increases in salaries and pension benefits. With the highest teacher salaries in the Southern Tier it is you and students who are shortchanged. Why is the Teacher’s Union tax exempt pension fund taking a bigger bit of the budget than last year, 8.86 percent then and 9.53 percent this coming school year? It should be going down! The last time the economy was good, 1999 – 2003, the Teacher’s union pension bit was less than 1 percent. This $900,000 annual healthcare insurance increase has been the case for many years now. District finances are of such concern that four of the seven BOE members found time to attend their own one-hour meeting. Who are you working for and where is the priority of “It’s for the children?” 


When you go to the deli and you buy cold cuts, it’s measured and it’s weighed. When you go to the gas station and buy gasoline it’s measured. When you go buy coal to heat your home it’s weighed. When you buy electricity to light your home it’s metered. When you buy natural gas to heat your home and cook your food it’s measured. When you buy water in the village of Owego to consume, to wash your dishes, to wash your body, to wash your clothes it’s measured. Why do we have no measured sewer, no metered sewer in the village of Owego? This is highly illegal; it’s stealing. You need to get your money out, get a 900-year loan, and get meters on the pipes or get out of the business. Look around, look at the way other people do things. When you pay for your credit card it’s measured by what you spend. You don’t just pay what the credit card wants. It’s time for our little village of Owego to come clean or dissolve.


I read the comment about people bringing shopping bags into the grocery store with cockroaches and bed bugs. Wow, that is really something to think about! Kind of like, why would you worry about illegal immigrants that are coming across the border and bringing disease or the coronavirus. That’s pretty much common sense, all of these things. Common sense is not as common as it used to be folks. 


People come from all over the northeast to buy salt here. We shouldn’t be trying to clear our roads with mud when we’re 20 miles away from the salt mine. Salt melts snow and ice, mud doesn’t. 


I believe that what God has put down on our beloved earth has got a cure.


The other day I got this crazy robo call and it said, “This is your second notice.” Warrantee on your vehicle is about to expire. They give me those and I don’t even have a vehicle! Is there something that can be done about these things? They are so aggravating to get.


In need of oak or hickory wood for barbequing / smoking in Tioga County. Call info into this column.

Congratulations to our Newark Valley girls’ basketball team ending the season with 19-0. Good luck in the playoffs!


To the Owego village employees driving around in the truck with one tree branch in the back that a six-year-old kid could pick up – I think it’s time that Owego starts outsourcing some of these jobs. Two employees, that’s not cheap, that’s a lot of money. It’s ridiculous. If you’re going to start charging $1 million for sewer every three months, you’re going to have to start downsizing. 


This is for the big fool calling in about Kobe Bryant again. You think Kobe caused the crash? You’re goofy! Let it go! Rest in peace Kobe and the eight other people that were on that helicopter.


I am afraid there may be some Richford residents who are not aware of the town plan for the taxpayers to foot the entire bill for the new fire station proposed. I know of only one notice that was given to the public that was in The Owego Pennysaver a couple of weeks ago. The notice can be viewed at the Richford Town website, It states that the new fire station will cost $2.1 million and calls for the levy and collection of taxes to pay the entire principle and interest over a 30-year term. There will be a vote on this on Wednesday, March 11, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the present Richford Fire Station. The Richford Town Newsletter dated January through March discusses the new fire station as if it’s a done deal. I know the new fire station is needed, I think most Richford residents would agree with that, but no one in Richford can afford another increase in their tax bill. Richford already has pretty high taxes. There are not that many taxpayers in Richford. After all, there are only about 900 residents in the town. I think the tax increase would be huge to pay off $2.1 million plus interest. I, for one, plan to vote no and I sure hope the majority of the voters will do the same.


Personally, I don’t mind naming bridges after people, just not after do nothing politicians. I say put all the names of the hard working, dedicated men and women who put their lives on the line actually working on the project, put all the names in a hat and draw one out for the official name of the bridge.

I sympathize with Tioga taxpayers on the non-resident tuition. Here in the O/A district we have probably only one administrator who lives in our district. They don’t vote on our budget. They could care less if taxes go up or how high. Many of them bring their children to our schools. They are paid outrageous salaries and don’t pay a dime in tuition. The taxpayers are paying their salaries and for their children’s education.


Why can’t sewer bills in Owego be based on how many baths and kitchens? This information is available at the assessor’s office by mailing address; 113 Front St. has three full baths, a half bath and more than likely laundry; 97 Front St. has three full baths, a kitchen, more than likely laundry; 60 Front St. has five full baths, a kitchen and once again laundry. What these residents have in common is that they pay the same sewer bill. I have a business with a toilet and a sink paying the same amount as these homes. This is the most unfair utility bill in Owego. People with small homes are paying the same amount as people with extremely large homes. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The people who are responsible for this should be ashamed for the way they assess the sewer. Why should everyone pay the same amount? Think of how stupid it would be if our property taxes were figured the same! A $60,000 and a $400,000 home paying the same tax bill, just like the sewer. You who run the village, smarten up! 


Did your small god create the universe out of nothing? Did he enter the world as a man to show his love for us? Did he die at the hands of those who hated him and rise from the dead to show us he has power over death, our last enemy? If not, what does your god have to offer? 


It’s common sense to legalize marijuana. New York State should have done it 50 years ago. Maybe in 50 years we’ll see the light and legalize fracking. It’s common sense. Let’s go New Yorker’s, dump Cuomo!


For those of you who may be wondering what’s stripping the bark off the dead ash trees leaving large light tan patches, I looked for a couple years until recently spotting the perpetrator, a pileated woodpecker. It looked like a slow speed chainsaw creeping down the tree. Absolutely amazing!


Owego village officials have explained many times why they cannot allocate sewer bill usage. You got it; it’s called the stupid approach prepared by energy officials without your concern in mind. Get your checkbook out Owego village and put meters on the sewage out pipes if you can’t find a fair way to bill. It cannot be done with your feet up and your heater running under your desk. Please, Owego gas stations adopt the EDU method for gasoline bought by all village of Owego officials. Keep telling everybody how hard it is to do and show me another village in the USA getting gouged this bad. You found a way to rob overachievers to keep your dysfunctional village afloat. 


This is an update to the Newark Valley girls’ basketball team. They are now 20 and 0, congratulations to being the 3rd seed for section four Class C playoffs. Awesome job girls, great team work! You’re also number four in the state. I’d also like to congratulate the Newark Valley cheerleaders. Great job in placing 2nd in the championship. Good work!


I see Cuomo is spending $3 billion on the environmental issues again. Why doesn’t he concentrate on all the taxes in the paper, and that’s just a few counties in New York. What a waste of space! 

National Political Viewpoints

Commander Riker: “How the hell do we defeat an enemy that knows us better than we know ourselves?”Lieutenant Worf: “The Borg have neither honor nor courage, that is our greatest advantage.”


Regarding the recent vandalism of Plymouth Rock and other similar acts, it may be good for some politicians, etc. to keep in mind the following. After Christopher Columbus accidentally tripped over the Americas on the way to an entirely different part of the known world to obtain spices with which to preserve food (no $3,000 refrigerators in 1492), he then survived the dangerous months’ long journey back to Europe (my goodness, people whine about an hour airline departure delay to Disney World). He was excited to indicate the journey could be made to a part of the world with opportunities, safely. The Europeans that came were, for the most part, refugees, fleeing for all the same reasons people today flee their native lands, except they came to nothing. No shelter from the elements, no food, subject to disease from starvation; exposure to the elements, and unfamiliar flora and fauna. The first colony that landed in Virginia in 1607 encountered the Sioux and Iroquois, who, well before this colony arrived, didn’t like each other much, and warfare and raids on each other occurred regularly. Let’s stop casting folks as evil villains and pay attention to ALL the facts. If not for the bravery of these initial immigrants, none of us would be here to enjoy what America has to offer. 


The names we have been taught to react to with “fear and loathing” work like magic in the masses that have been ‘so carefully taught to hate.’ They are used frequently and require no explanation in order to trash any idea or proposal you want people to reject. For example: “Liberal” – The dictionary says, Possessing or manifesting a free and generous heart, bountiful, appropriate and fitting for a broad and enlightened mind. Free from narrowness, bigotry or bondage to authority or creed. Any person who advocates liberty of thought, speech or action. Then there is the really scary word, “Socialism”. Harry S. Truman said, in October of 1952: “It is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in 20 years. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called Social Security. Socialism is what they called farm price support. Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance; Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizing. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.” To many of us it seems quite odd that we fail to call the many millions of dollars of corporate handouts what most thinking people call ‘corporate welfare’. Language and its uses have very specific intentions and outcomes. We are manipulated, controlled and propagandized quite skillfully by it.


In a recent article, a legal immigrant from Lithuania condemned the current crop of Socialist Democrats, saying she lived under Socialism and came here to get away from it. She further stated, “Communists are lazy, they want to make everyone else work so they don’t have to.” Crazy Bernie fits that picture. He was kicked out of a Commune in Massachusetts when he was in his twenties because he didn’t want to work. Just wanted to talk politics all the time. Google it yourself if you don’t believe it. Just what we need as “president”.


Our great leader, Teletubby, is taking billions from defense projects to build a “wall” which has already been climbed over, dug under, and sawed through. Scrap metal dealers in the southwest will be made rich by this fiasco.


Here we go again. The news media is calling President Trump Putin’s puppet. These media people think they are bringing us important news but all it is, is gossip and fake news. There has been no proof put forward for over three years that President Trump is under Putin’s spell. In fact, now they are saying the Russians are going to help Bernie Sanders win the election. It’s sad that they don’t give us important news about how good the economy is doing, jobs are aplenty, the border is more secure, and President Trump is trying to make peace with foreign leaders. Why doesn’t the media come up with an idea about helping the homeless and people with mental health issues; but that would be helping “We the People” and President Trump clean up California and the other states who have homeless sleeping on the streets. God Bless America and thank God for our men and women who have lost their lives and are still serving to protect us to give us the freedoms and live our lives in the great United States of America.


Well, Trumpsters, how are you going to survive when HE and THE DO NOTHING GOP SENATE cut your welfare, Snap benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security after HE PROMISED HE WOULD NOT? Gotta pay for the UPPER 1 percent tax cuts, RIGHT! How about Mexico paying for the wall? NOT! WE ARE. Why hasn’t he helped Puerto Rico yet? Because he is a racist and doesn’t believe they are American citizens. As far as giving up his salary, he makes 100 times that taking his trips to play golf; and how about all of the rallies he is holding? Who do you think is paying for them? NOT HIM! We are. If you don’t believe me, check it out yourself under the Government website. He’s getting richer while you are getting poorer. He has alienated every country that was or is our ally. He honors Putin, KIm Jong-un, and China’s Xi. You people should get your blinders off. OOPS, sorry. I mean stop drinking the Kool-Aid. 


There are many, many, nasty comments written in this column about President Trump. I hope they all are written by just a couple of people, because it is frightening for me to think I would have that many irrational and angry neighbors! ROAR!


Ya gotta love it. Bernie Sanders bashes capitalists at every turn. Notice he “forgets” to mention that he is a millionaire, owns two big homes, and enjoys the capitalist lifestyle he so appears to despise. Wonder why the two-faced nonsense?


I don’t care how good the economy is, I still wouldn’t let Trump in the same room with my daughter alone. 


Thank you, Democrats, that is what a New York City thug said when he had been arrested and released for the 128th and some say 132nd time. Let’s hear it for Governor Cuomo’s free and release justice system coming soon to a thug near you. Another one of the million lies that Donald Trump states. Trump said that our armed forces had no ammunition until he took over as commander in chief. No bullets whatsoever. What kind of fool believes such crap! Oh, I know, I know the answer. It’s some brain-dead republican who reads nothing but National Enquirer and the Star, or the loyal viewer of fake Fox News. Get with it people!


My dearest Nancy Pelosi, for several years you have kept us is chaos because you want to remove Trump from office. You have held investigations, which are unconstitutional, illegal and one sided, and they have produced nothing. Now you are complaining, dearest Nancy, because the senate will take up any bills that the house has put forward. Perhaps you haven’t heard about paybacks. Welcome to the real world.


Well I thoroughly enjoyed that democratic presidential debate last night. That was so funny I couldn’t turn it off. They offer nothing in their campaign; they have no promises. So I finally figured out at the end of the debate they want me to pick one of them as my next president so that I do not have a booming economy, so that I have high unemployment, so that I have people coming from all borders and taking over control, and so that we have gang members running around. I’ve got to decide which one I’m voting for.


Other than John McCain and Mitt Romney, what are you republicans so proud of? You should be ashamed!


Follow the news. Congress just revealed that the Russians are meddling in our 2020 election because they want Trump reelected. Are all the Trump supporters going to be pinkos following whatever Putin wants? Give me break!


Have you seen the new bumper sticker? Trump and Putin in 2020.


To all you republicans out there who think Sanders is a communist. That’s really rich. Look at your stupid republican hooking up with communist Russia, GOP, guardians of Putin. Get your facts straight. 


Obama wants credit for our booming economy. Not possible. If he had a booming, growing economy Hillary would have been elected president. Fortunately, the smarter American people saw we were in bad shape, voted for change, and went with Donald Trump. We’re doing better than anyone ever thought possible! 


Newsflash! There is a level 4 biological or germ warfare lab in Wuhan, China. Does anyone, and I mean anyone, think there may be a connection between this fact and the creation of the near pandemic coronavirus? 


The lame stream media suggested Russia wants President Trump to once again win the presidential race. Let’s see, President Trump has provided the Ukrainians with missiles. He has scrapped the nuclear arms agreement with the Russians. He has put pressure on the Russian puppet state of Venezuela. He has authorized war games on the Russian border. If that sounds like collusion, I say let’s have more of it! There is only one socialist communist running for president and that is Bernie Sanders, who honeymooned in Moscow; but I’m sure the Marxist mob will not publicize that fact.

I don’t know where the person who called in and said that private ownership of guns has been illegal in the UK for the past five years got their information. Handguns have been banned in the UK since 1996, but people can still have shotguns and rifles and they have to be licensed. One statistic that is interesting when comparing gun violence in England and gun violence in America, is that only three English police officers have been fatally shot between 2000 and 2010. In America, between 2006 and 2015, there’s an average of 49.6 per year fatally shot. Just something to think about.


Well here we go again, the Democrats are crying wolf. Another Russian narrative. You can’t believe them then, you can’t believe them now. 


The democrats say the economy is not so great but then again, Obama wants credit for it. So, which is it? Excuse the pun but it just does not add up. The democrats are off their rockers. They don’t know what they are talking about.


So, If Bloomberg can’t stand up to Warren then how in the world is he going to stand up to world leaders? He caved when Warren went after him about releasing the non-disclosure agreements. 


Trump’s lies now reached over 16,000 per Laura Bare, a democratic strategist in the Washington Journal last week. Now if you were an employer would you hire this type of person that lies so much? I think not. He should stop his tweeting, watch less TV, and no more rallies! They are so repetitious and cost us taxpayers too much money already.


Well, I watched my third democratic presidential debate, it’s got to be my last one because they do not discuss the issues that are important. All they do is act like a bunch of children who are playing out in the backyard yelling and screaming. Nothing was said with any substance. I heard nothing on immigration, I heard nothing on the economy, I heard nothing on jobs, nothing about infrastructure, I heard nothing about healthcare. These democratic people just do not get it and they better face reality that Mr. Trump, who is our best president that we’ve ever had, will beat them hands down come November. I don’t know why they all don’t just give up, go back to congress, Biden can retire, do the things that the people sent them to Washington to do. They all look like fools on that stage and I’m not going to waste my time with them anymore.


I agree with last week’s caller, Rush Limbaugh is the devil promoting Hitler for good behavior and is a bag of garbage in human skin. It couldn’t have been said any better! Limbaugh degraded and insulted so many people for 30 years and did not deserve any medal, period. He’s the best friend of Trump, isn’t that lovely.


Newsflash. The seven dimwit democrat dwarfs for president were a hoot! How those two billionaires made that much money is a mystery to anyone who watched them fumble after fumble. Bernie the Castro lover got booed for the first time and was flustered. You’ve got to feel sorry sleepy Joe who thinks one half the population of the United States was killed due to gun violence. They should have called this the two-hour comedy show.


Let’s see if you’ll print it this time. Bernie Sanders is the only social democrat on the ticket and most of you who are calling people communists, whatever your comment of the day is, you are wrong. Socialism pays for most of the services you receive. That’s right, socialism. Okay, enough of that. Second Amendment, nobody is coming to take away your hunting rifles, your shotguns, however no one on this planet needs an automatic weapon. People simply don’t want to have their toys taken away because they’re spoiled and I think somewhere in their heart of hearts, they want to shoot somebody. It’s a sad state we’re in but it’s all we have. Less shooting at each other, less yelling at each other and work together. Vote to get rid of the current occupant. I made every effort not to resort to name-calling, but if you could read my mind this would never get printed. 

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